
Tagged: sin

Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?

We spend most of our lives hiding behind our true selves. It’s pitiful, honestly. I’m nearly 50 years old and I still spend much of my time worried about what others will think. Does it really matter? A few years...

My Lenten Call

Lent invites us to conversion, and the call to conversation can be painful. Worse, it can be embarrassing, especially when it comes from an unlikely source. I’ve recently experienced this myself, regarding a vice I barely even knew I had,...

Salvation in Imperfection

There are, in every parish, those who can be relied upon to be always late for Mass. They are sometimes referred to as the “Gloria crowd.” My deacon in one parish was a retired military man, whose adulation for the...

Sins Like Scarlet

Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool. (Isaiah 1:18) There is a legendary story,...

Any bit of contrition

Always lost for words, I never knew what to say to God as I tried to focus my attention on him at Sunday Mass. I admit that I did not always find Mass interesting. I attended every week mostly out...