
Tagged: Prodigal Son

Reimagining Community

A reflection on the readings for the Fourth Sunday of Lent, March 27, 2022. We have heard the parable of the prodigal son many times. It seems that Jesus left the parable wide open with unanswered questions. Did the older...

No one is an accidental creation

In my thirty years on this earth, I have strived to live according to the commandments handed down by God fully manifest in the incarnate and risen Jesus Christ. It is never easy, regardless of which commandment. While all are...

Who we know God is

Recently I’ve been struck by a verse in chapter seventeen of John’s Gospel. Jesus is with his apostles during the last supper, offering a long prayer, and at one point he says to his Heavenly Father, “Now this is eternal...

The lie behind rigidity

Picking up on what the pope said last month about rigid Catholics as well as the parable of the the Prodigal Son, I want to highlight a homily that the pope gave back in 2016. In that homily the pope...