This past June 20th marked my 42nd consecutive year working with homeless and at-risk teenagers and young adults. This is not what I ever thought I would be doing with my life. I was a finance major in college. I...
This past June 20th marked my 42nd consecutive year working with homeless and at-risk teenagers and young adults. This is not what I ever thought I would be doing with my life. I was a finance major in college. I...
A reflection on the readings of September 18, 2022 — the Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. The audio, when available, will be posted here. At a Labor Day Mass one year, I offered a reflection on the Church’s teaching on...
Two weeks ago Charles Camosy, a professor of ethics at Fordham University, published an open letter to Pope Francis in which he asks the Holy Father to give defense of the unborn a “more central place” in his formal teaching....
Early in Advent, a line of Scripture struck me strongly and has stuck with me ever since: “I am ‘the voice of one crying out in the desert’” (Jn 1:23). This Advent brought more revelations about the abuse scandals in...
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, today is the World Day for the Poor. In his message for today, the Holy Father Pope Francis returned to perhaps the most dominant theme of his pontificate: helping the poor and weakest....
Members of the pro-life movement often describe policies that work to undermine the recognition of human dignity and to devalue human life as promoting the “culture of death.” This term was made popular by Pope St. John Paul II in...
One key to understanding the Church’s teaching on the economy is to ask—as Francis does in Fratelli Tutti—whether we “include or exclude those lying wounded along the roadside” (FT 69). This is, of course, a reference to the parable of...
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