
Tagged: Pentecost

Pentecost and the Humility of the Church

Humility keeps one “within his own limits.[1]” In its religious sense, humility marks one’s complete dependence on God. Though not the chief Christian virtue, humility is paramount in discerning one’s place before God and the rest of the world. It...

The Creative Breath of God

A reflection on the readings for May 27, 2023 – Pentecost Sunday. Twice a month, I host a discernment dinner for young men, college-age and older, who are considering a vocation to the priesthood. The men in the group are...

Breaking Our Comfort Zones

A reflection on the readings for Pentecost Sunday, June 5, 2022. In her landmark best-seller, Why Walk When You Can Fly?, Australian author and spiritual teacher, Isha Judd narrates the following short story: Once there was a king who received...

Savor the Harmony of the Holy Spirit

This morning in his homily on the feast of Pentecost, Pope Francis spoke at length about the work of the Holy Spirit. Excerpt: The Holy Spirit does not bring only harmony within us but also among us. He makes us Church, building different...

The Glorious Mysteries with Pope Francis

The Glorious Mysteries 1 – The Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ From Easter Homily (April 16, 2017): With one voice, in every part of the world, we proclaim the great message: ‘The Lord is truly risen, as he said!’