
Tagged: laity

Francis’s Curia Reforms: Recommended Reading

On the Solemnity of St. Joseph, March 19, 2022, Pope Francis unveiled his highly anticipated reform of the Roman Curia in a new apostolic constitution for the Roman Curia, entitled Praedicate Evangelium, or Preach the Gospel: on the Roman Curia...

The Burden of Co-Responsibility

The Second Vatican Council—specifically in its Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity, Apostolicam Actuositatem and in the Apostolic Constitution Lumen Gentium—affirmed that the laity are co-responsible for the mission of the Church.  One narrative of the post-conciliar years has...

The Failures of Champion Bishops

The Church in the West is facing profound challenges as it seeks to evangelize. By most visible metrics—those that rely on data from surveys and professional research on religious practice and belief—the Church is in decline. This decline can be...

The Synodal Way of the Pilgrim Church

Where Peter Is received some criticism last week in the wake of breaking news regarding the wrangling in the Vatican that took place over the proposed ‘synodal way’ of the Church in Germany. Some asked why we weren’t issuing breathless...