
Tagged: Good Samaritan

To Be Good

A reflection on the Mass Readings for July 10, 2022, the 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time. Audio of Homily will be posted here. Are you good? I don’t mean are you well, but are you good? Every so often, at a...

The Good Samaritan as a way of life

Pope Francis’s brief but historic visit to Iraq appears to have already become old news. Indeed, the Holy Father had not landed in Rome on his return trip before reporters shifted attention to future papal visits, including the scheduled September...

“God will know his name”

Continuing to read Pope Francis’s Fratelli Tutti during Lent I am focusing on these words from Chapter 2: “Each day we have to decide whether to be Good Samaritans or indifferent bystanders” (FT 69). What if we live a life...

Towards an Inclusive Capitalism

One key to understanding the Church’s teaching on the economy is to ask—as Francis does in Fratelli Tutti—whether we “include or exclude those lying wounded along the roadside” (FT 69). This is, of course, a reference to the parable of...