Revolutionary Mercy
A reflection on the Readings for Sunday, April 7, 2024 — The Second Sunday of Easter and Divine Mercy Sunday. When available, the audio version of this homily will be posted here. To listen to Fr. Satish Joseph’s homily for...
A reflection on the Readings for Sunday, April 7, 2024 — The Second Sunday of Easter and Divine Mercy Sunday. When available, the audio version of this homily will be posted here. To listen to Fr. Satish Joseph’s homily for...
A reflection on the readings for the Second Sunday of Easter (Sunday of Divine Mercy), April 16, 2023. This homily was originally posted on Ite Missa Est, April 23, 2017. There are three million fewer people calling themselves Catholic today...
This is a reflection on the readings of April 11, 2021, the Second Sunday of Easter, the Sunday of Divine Mercy Who are the freest people in the world? If you are an American, your first thought might be that...
For the past couple of weeks I have taken up Pope Francis’s recent encouragement that we read his encyclical Laudato Si. I’m ashamed to say that I’d never read it before, but I decided that now is as good a...
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