Dear Friends,
Three years ago today, we published the very first post in the history of this website. When Paul Fahey, Pedro Gabriel, Brian Killian, and I launched Where Peter Is as a small group blog devoted to supporting the mission and vision of Pope Francis, we never imagined what would happen in the next three years.
In that time, we have published the work of 54 contributors, including respected theologians, philosophers, and journalists. We have published essays and articles by priests, deacons, women, men, single and married laypeople, and those who are discerning vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. They come from all over the globe and together we share love for our faith and for the Successor of Peter. In addition, our podcasts have received high praise and a devoted following.
But what is a birthday without a gift?
It has been one of our goals to provide Catholics with catechetical resources and tools to help them learn the faith and about the teachings of Pope Francis. Therefore, I am very pleased to share with you a study guide for Pope Francis’s beautiful new encyclical, Fratelli Tutti. It is a free resource and was created by contributors to Where Peter Is.
This project was spearheaded by Paul Fahey, who led a group of our contributors in writing and editing this resource. It is available as both a printable PDF and as an online, mobile-friendly web page.
We hope parishes, Catholic groups, and individuals will find this resource useful in their study, reflection, and discussion of Pope Francis’s great encyclical.
The key writers were Daniel Amiri, Paul Fahey, Meghan Fiebelkorn, David Lafferty, and Adam Rasmussen. In addition to the writers, Tobi Kozakewich, Marissa Nichols, and I helped with the editing. The original cover art is by Kristina Fahey (
As a parish catechist, Paul recognizes the need for guides and tools that help make Church teachings accessible to Catholics everywhere. I am grateful for the work that he did in pulling together a team of volunteers to create this fantastic guide.
Many Catholics consider us to be an outlet that provides faithful and reliable analysis and commentary on the Church and the papacy. Just last month, papal biographer and collaborator Austen Ivereigh offered his assessment of our work:
You can learn far more about the thinking and the insights of this papacy in one article on Where Peter Is than in weeks of programming by the multi-million-dollar EWTN.
WPI is a garage start-up on a shoestring budget supported by a team of volunteer contributors. Yet because they take seriously the idea that the pope is anointed and to be trusted as a teacher of the faith, they have become superb and reliable mediators of the Francis papacy.
After my experience these past weeks at the hands of churnalists and papacy-blockers, I am ever more grateful for this kind of journalism of integrity, both inside and outside the Church.
Going forward, it is our hope that in addition to commentary and analysis, we will be able to provide you with more resources to help you in your faith journey.
It’s been an honor to work alongside my friends to help build up Where Peter Is. We are bonded together by our love of Pope Francis and our desire to serve the church, and I am so proud of what WPI has been able to accomplish.
Click here to get your study guide.
Image: The Good Samaritan by Kristina Fahey (
Mike Lewis is the founding managing editor of Where Peter Is. He and Jeannie Gaffigan co-host Field Hospital, a U.S. Catholic podcast.
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