A People Formed by Manna
The Bible Project shared a podcast last year that focused on the story of the manna in the book of Exodus. In chapter 16 of Exodus, God’s people are in the desert, just a few days out from crossing the...
The Bible Project shared a podcast last year that focused on the story of the manna in the book of Exodus. In chapter 16 of Exodus, God’s people are in the desert, just a few days out from crossing the...
A reflection on the readings for May 7, 2023, the Fifth Sunday of Easter. An experience that Fr. John Kavanaugh, S.J., had with Saint Teresa of Calcutta can help us to reflect on our desire for clarity, and God’s invitation...
Two years ago, the Pew Research Center conducted a poll and found that barely 1/3 of self-described Catholics believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. This realization that most of those who identify themselves as Catholics do...
A reflection on the readings for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 16, 2022. In 2019, while preaching my homily on the same scripture readings we have today, I said, “I would like to take 2019 and just throw...
Recently, two prominent churchmen called for a change in the Church’s teachings on sexuality. Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich of Luxembourg said in an interview with a German Catholic news agency that the Church’s teachings on homosexuality were no longer correct and...
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