
Tagged: national catholic reporter

The Pope’s Clear Position on Ukraine

Wars make strange bedfellows, and their first casualty is truth. War is always the hour of darkness, when disorder reigns, brute power sets the rules, and the innocent are crushed; when human appetites — lust, greed, rage, revenge — are...

Jason Berry’s Powerful Testimony

Yesterday the New York Times published a short documentary by Emmy-winning filmmaker Ben Proudfoot about the veteran investigative reporter and author Jason Berry. Berry is one of the unsung heroes of the Church in the past half-century. Almost two decades...

NCR’s Winters warns of a looming schism

Today in the National Catholic Reporter, columnist Michael Sean Winters argues that the biggest threat to the unity of the Catholic Church (especially in the U.S.) is the expansion of a highly visible and well-organized movement that opposes Pope Francis and...