Prodigals in the Promised Land
A homily for the Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday)—March 27, 2022. On my way home from an appointment the other day, I was listening to the Spotify All Out 90’s playlist, as one does, when an old favorite that...
A homily for the Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday)—March 27, 2022. On my way home from an appointment the other day, I was listening to the Spotify All Out 90’s playlist, as one does, when an old favorite that...
A reflection on the readings for February 20, 2022 — The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Different elements make what we call religion, faith tradition, Christianity, or Catholicism. A religion encompasses many dimensions – revelation, doctrines, traditions, rituals, practices, and ethics....
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