
Tagged: Archbishop Chaput

Chaput’s shiftiness on Amoris Laetitia

This is the third (and hopefully final) installment in a series on the Pillar’s interview with retired Archbishop Charles Chaput, a man whose opposition to Pope Francis and his teachings appears to run deep. In my first article, I addressed...

Chaput, substance, and “personality debates”

Yesterday, in the first part of my response to retired Archbishop Charles Chaput’s interview with the Pillar, I challenged the 78-year-old’s rejection of the concept of synodality and his denial that it was the fruit of Vatican II. Although he...

Archbishop Chaput’s opposition to the pope

On Friday, the Pillar published a new interview with the retired Archbishop of Philadelphia, Charles Chaput, OFM Cap, under the headline “Chaput: ‘Speaking the truth is polarizing.’” The 78-year-old responded to a series of questions about Pope Benedict, Cardinal Pell,...

Criticizing the Critics

In a recent piece for National Review, Francis X. Maier (a long-time advisor to recently retired Archbishop Charles J. Chaput) presents an argument against the “derisive and condescending” dismissal by Pope Francis’s supporters of his critics. Maier even suggests that...