
Author: Pete Vere

Of Warriors and Weakness: A Response to Mark Shea and Mary Pezzulo

Mary Pezzulo and Mark Shea–two of my favourite Patheos Catholic bloggers–have responded to my piece Worshipping Priests, not Warrior Priests. Mark takes the conversation in a new direction with his following insight: One of the many things that anti-Catholic Fundies...

Another Phil Lawler Bomb: The Confusion is Self-Promotional

Another day, another Phil Lawler bomb lobbed at Pope Francis. Another online article accusing the Holy Father of undermining orthodox Catholic teaching, causing confusion in the Church, and other alarmist sensationalism. Here we go… again. Oh yes, and another concluding...

The Glorious Mysteries with Pope Francis

The Glorious Mysteries 1 – The Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ From Easter Homily (April 16, 2017): With one voice, in every part of the world, we proclaim the great message: ‘The Lord is truly risen, as he said!’

The Sorrowful Mysteries with Pope Francis

The Sorrowful Mysteries with Pope Francis

The Sorrowful Mysteries 1 – Jesus is praying in the garden at Gethsemane From General Audience (May 25, 2016): Assailed by looming anguish, Jesus prays to the Father to deliver him of this bitter cup of the Passion, but his prayer...

The Luminous Mysteries with Pope Francis

The Luminous Mysteries with Pope Francis

“The Rosary, though clearly Marian in character, is at heart a Christocentric prayer,” writes St John Paul II in the opening paragraphs of Rosarium Virginis Mariae. “In the sobriety of its elements, it has all the depth of the Gospel message...

The Joyful Mysteries with Pope Francis

The Joyful Mysteries with Pope Francis

Pope Francis often speaks about the Blessed Virgin Mary. Not only among Catholics, but to the world at large. Frequently, His Holiness invokes her intercession and encourages Christian devotion to her. Among western Catholics, there is no devotion to Mary...

Pope Francis and Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

UPDATE: Reader Christopher Lake has kindly referenced statements supportive of Theory of Evolution by Popes Pius XII and St John Paul II. I have added Christopher’s comments below as an addendum to this blog entry. ORIGINAL BLOG: I was reminded...

How sedevacantist are critics of Pope Francis?

I noticed something curious. I was reading the latest jeremiad against Pope Francis in a once mainstream Latin traditionalist publication. In its concluding paragraphs, the author referred to the pontificates of John Paul II and Paul VI. That is, the...