One of our favorite WPI readers, who comments on our site under the name “Love God 🙂” has suggested that we initiate a 54-day Rosary Novena for our Church and Pope Francis. Sorry for the very short notice, but one can never pray too much, so I encourage everyone to consider taking part in this novena. (Keep an eye on this post, I will update it with more information and prayer intentions):
As a Catholic in love with the Church and the Vicar of Christ on earth, Pope Francis, as a fellow inmate in this valley of tears, and as a fellow person heartbroken over so much division and schism and now, an excommunication, I am inviting everyone here to join me in praying a 54-Day Rosary Novena beginning on Saturday, August 15, 2020, the Feast of the Assumption of Mary into Heaven, and ending on October 7, 2020, the Feast of the Holy Rosary.
The 54-Day Rosary Novena was taught by Our Blessed Mother herself in the 19th Century to a girl who was gravely ill. Our Holy Mother instructed the girl to pray 3 novenas, that is, 27 days in petition, and 3 more novenas afterwards, in thanksgiving. The sick girl did so and she was cured.
Blessed Pope Pius IX said that if he had an army of folks praying the Rosary, he would conquer the world.
Sr Lucia of Fatima said that there is no problem, no matter how grave, that could not be solved by the prayer of the Rosary.
Day 27 of this Novena will fall on September 10, which will conclude the days of petition.
September 11 will begin the 27 days of thanksgiving.I invite everyone here to join me!
My petitions will be the following:
1. for a loving, deferential submission and obedience to our Holy Father Pope Francis
2. for conversion for all who are dissenting from him and his teachings
3. for Father Jeremy Leatherby and many graces and blessings on him
4. for great success for Where Peter Is
5. for conversions of hearts and minds and souls beginning with ours
6. for our priests, bishops, and our Holy Father
7. for a greater understanding and appreciation of our ‘call to mission’ by Pope Francis.
8. all of the souls in Purgatory
9. for the Church here on earth, that all may see how we love one another
10. for conversions for all of us sinners
11. So that we may grow in Faith, Hope, and Charity.
God Bless you!
Perhaps we can list our own intentions in the comments. Thank you very much for the suggestion!
Rosary help guides: May 2020 and March 2020
Photo by Grant Whitty on Unsplash
Mike Lewis is the founding managing editor of Where Peter Is. He and Jeannie Gaffigan co-host Field Hospital, a U.S. Catholic podcast.
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